Using the online course

Please be aware of the Guidance from the Health & Safety Executive on the use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE’s). This course is designed to enable you to work at your own pace and you should not only ensure that you are comfortable at your workstation but also take regular breaks to avoid eyestrain, fatigue and other physical ill-effects.

Links to other websites

Links to other websites embedded in the course are highlighted in the text in blue (such as the HSE above) and always open into another window. When you have finished with the linked site, close the new window to return to this course. 

Enabling Cookies

JavaScript and cookies need to be enabled to get the most out of using this course.


To get to the next lesson in the current course, click “Complete and continue” in the top right of your screen. To view the previous lesson, click “Previous lecture” in the top right of you r screen 

You are able to view all lessons within your current course using the left hand navigation bar. This is visible on all courses. You must complete all the lessons in the order they are set out. You can navigate to previously completed lessons at any time.

To see all the modules in the course, click on the “home” icon in the top left of your screen. You will be navigated to the “Course curriculum” page, where you can see your progress through the course so far.

Module and Course assessments

At the end of some of the modules in this course, there is a short quiz, and there is also an overall course assessment at the end. Each of the assessments has a pass mark % which is shown at the top of the quiz.

If you have passed the required % the responses to the questions are shown. If you have not passed, you may need to start the quiz again.