AllergyWise® for Schools

Designed by teachers, CPD certified, backed by expert allergy clinicians to ensure all school staff can recognise the signs of a serious
allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and have the confidence to safely manage pupils with allergies.

AllergyWise® for Schools

Anaphylaxis UK is the only charity solely for those at risk of serious allergic reactions. We’ve been supporting those at risk of anaphylaxis for over 30 years, providing trusted information to individuals, schools, healthcare professionals and businesses.

AllergyWise® for Schools course

Our course information is evidence-based, with the support of our Clinical and Scientific Panel of leading allergy consultants and the expertise of our Education and AllergyWise® Manager, Tracey Dunn, a retired Headteacher.

AllergyWise® for Schools:

How serious allergies affect schools

allergy training for schools

Why choose our course?

Schools have a legal duty to make arrangements for supporting pupils with medical conditions, including allergies. Every school class is likely to have at least one pupil with allergies. The most serious allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) usually begins within minutes and can be life-threatening. Unfortunately, there have been cases of fatal anaphylaxis happening when a child is at school. Lessons learnt from these tragic cases emphasise the need for schools to have robust allergy management systems in place, and for all school staff to have an understanding of allergies, to be able to recognise the signs of anaphylaxis and to have the confidence to manage an emergency situation.

We encourage a whole school allergy awareness approach, involving the education of all staff and pupils. The more staff and pupils who are allergy aware and can recognise the signs of anaphylaxis, the safer all pupils with allergies in school will be. Our allergy awareness lesson resource packs, included with this course, will support your school to educate pupils about allergies, and raise awareness of the emotional impact allergies can have.

Who is the course useful for?

The course is designed for all school staff, whether they are teaching or non-teaching staff. Any member of staff, at any time, could be with a child experiencing anaphylaxis. This includes:

  • Teachers
  • Learning support
  • Leadership
  • Lunchtime supervisors
  • Afterschool club
  • Cover supervisor
  • Administrative
  • Site staff

Pricing information

Bulk Purchase

  • Course cost: £10.50 including VAT per person.


  • You can purchase this course for a minimum of 10 staff.


  • To complement this online course, we recommend schools order trainer adrenaline auto-injector devices to practise with. Order these directly from the manufacturer’s websites for free: EpiPen® and Jext®.

Additional Information

  • 20% discount the next year for schools who purchase this course again. If you’ve previously bulk purchased our AllergyWise® for Schools course for 10 or more staff, please use the contact form to get in touch for your discount.


  • If you’re a Multi Academy Trust or a large school looking to purchase the course for 50 or more staff, please use the contact form to get in touch for bespoke pricing.

Additional benefits

Our updated allergy awareness lesson resource packs for primary and secondary schools are included as part of this course! Completing our course before delivering the resources will give staff the knowledge to feel confident teaching about allergies.

Primary School

The primary school resource pack includes four ready-to-use lesson plans, covering all age groups, plus five further downloads including a quiz, presentations and activities. The resources support the teaching of allergy, as required by the statutory Relationships, Sex Education and Health Education (RSE) curriculum for England, but are useful for all schools across the UK to raise awareness of allergies with pupils. The resources also promote inclusion of all children.

Secondary School

The secondary school resource pack is designed to facilitate an allergy awareness session/s with secondary school age pupils. This could be part of PSHE, Citizenship or during tutor time. The session aims to improve pupils’ knowledge of serious allergies and to raise awareness of the emotional impact that allergies can have. The resource pack includes four downloads with a ready-to-use lesson plan, presentation, quiz and teacher notes.

AllergyWise® School award

All schools who complete our AllergyWise® for Schools online training course are eligible for our AllergyWise® School award! The award recognises schools who complete our online training, deliver our allergy awareness lesson resources to pupils, have a policy in place for managing allergies in school and purchase spare adrenaline auto-injectors.

FAQs: Purchasing the AllergyWise® for Schools course

Please see some frequently asked questions below and our step-by-step guide for information.

  • How do I buy this AllergyWise® for Schools course?

    Click one of the purchase buttons throughout this page, or through this link. Payment is made by credit/debit card.

    Please see our step-by-step guide for further information.

  • How much does the course cost?

    The course costs £10.50 including VAT per person. There is a minimum purchase of 10.

    20% discount the next year for schools who purchase the course again the following year. If you’ve previously bulk purchased our AllergyWise® for Schools course for 10 or more of your staff, please use the contact form to get in touch for a discount code before purchasing.

    If you’re a Multi Academy Trust, large school or organisation looking to purchase the course for 50 or more staff, please use the contact form to get in touch for bespoke pricing.

  • Why do I have to buy for a minimum of 10 staff?

    We encourage a whole school allergy awareness approach and training of both teaching and non-teaching staff, as this is the safest way to manage pupils with allergies. The more staff who are allergy aware and can recognise the signs of anaphylaxis, the safer all pupils with allergies in school will be.

    You can buy for more than 10 staff, however, 10 is the minimum purchase.

    As well as our updated and improved online training, our course also includes additional benefits: allergy awareness lesson resource packs included with ready-to-use lesson plans, presentations and activities, to encourage whole-school allergy awareness and inclusivity of all pupils. Plus the opportunity to achieve our AllergyWise® School award.

  • What if I don’t need to buy for 10 staff?

    10 is the minimum purchase. Once purchased, you will be able to use the course places for 12 months, so if you have any staff changes, new staff members, ad-hoc staff etc. then these staff can also be trained.

    For individuals, we have a wealth of information and resources on our website, including our Safer Schools Programme.

  • My school has previously bulk purchased the course for more than 10 staff and we're looking to purchase again. How do we get the 20% discount?

    If your school has previously bulk purchased our AllergyWise® for Schools course for 10 or more staff and you’re looking to purchase again, please use this contact form to get in touch. You will be sent a 20% discount code to apply before purchasing the course.

  • What happens after I’ve paid for this course for my staff?

    The group leader who purchases the course can enrol users onto the course. You can do this by logging into your account and going to ‘Learning Groups’. Click on the Enrol New User button to add users by entering their name and email address. The enrolled user will then receive an email with their account login details so they can access the training. Each staff member needs their own account to complete the course individually.

    Please see our step-by-step guide for further information.

  • I've purchased the course but now want to buy for more staff, what do I do?

    You need to log into your account where you are able to purchase further courses.  If you wish to purchase less than 10 additional courses, please use this contact form to get in touch.

FAQs: Managing your AllergyWise® account

Please see our frequently asked questions below and our step-by-step guide for information.

  • I've purchased this course for my school, how do I enrol staff?

    The group leader who purchases the course can enrol users onto the course. You can do this by logging into your account and going to ‘Learning Groups’. Click on the Enrol New User button to add users by entering their name and email address. The enrolled user will then receive an email with their account login details so they can access the training. Each staff member needs their own account to complete the course individually.

    Please see pages 3 and 4 of our step-by-step guide for further information.

  • I’ve purchased this course for my school, how do I find out how many staff have completed it?

    As the group leader, you can see the progress of your staff by logging into your account and going to ‘Learning Groups’.

  • I've been told to do this course by my school, how do I access it?

    Your group leader, who is the person who purchases this course for your school, can enrol you onto the course. They will assign user email addresses themselves to enrol staff directly. Each staff member needs their own account to complete the course individually otherwise they will not receive their certificate.

    Please see pages 4 to 6 of our step-by-step guide for further information.

  • Can a colleague share my login?

    No, all of our AllergyWise® courses are designed to be done individually. If you give your login details to someone else, the quizzes and course assessment will have already been completed by you and they will not be able to get a certificate of completion.

  • How do I access my certificate once I’ve completed the course?

    After passing the final assessment, you will be able to download and save your certificate of completion by clicking on the ‘print your certificate’ button.

    You can also download your digital certificate of completion by logging into your account and clicking on the certificate icon in the Training area.

  • How do I access the allergy awareness lesson resource packs included with this course?

    There is a lesson near the end of the course called AllergyWise® for Schools lesson resource packs. From this lesson you can download all the lesson resources for schools.

    You can also download the resources after completing the course by logging into your account and clicking the AllergyWise® for Schools course. Go to the lesson called AllergyWise® for Schools lesson resource packs to download the resources.

  • Why can’t I see some of the videos on the course?

    Some of our films are on YouTube and may have been blocked by your IT system.

  • I am unable to log on. I have a capture error.

    First try resetting your password.  Double check the spelling of the email address to make sure that there isn’t an error or missing character.  Some schools filtering has blocked the site.  Ask your internet provider to add to the whitelist.