Safeguarding Policy



The Anaphylaxis UK is committed to safeguard the health and wellbeing of every person in our community, of whatever age. It is the responsibility of each one of us to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of every member of our community, and particularly the abuse of those most vulnerable among us, including children and young people.

Some children and adults have an increased risk of abuse, and additional barriers can exist for some children and adults with respect to recognising or disclosing it. We are committed to anti-discriminatory practice and recognise everyone’s diverse circumstances. We ensure that all children and adults have the same protection, regardless of any barriers they may face.

All those who work or volunteer with the Anaphylaxis UK will be made aware of this policy and of what to do if they have any concerns. There is guidance for those responding to concerns so that they are properly dealt with, including sharing information about concerns with agencies that need to know and involve children, young people and families appropriately.

It is our policy that no-one shall work specifically with children and young people or vulnerable adults within the Campaign who might constitute a risk to their wellbeing.


This policy should be read in conjunction with the:


• Equality and Diversity Policy

• Whistleblowing Policy

• Volunteer Guidelines

• Social media Policy

• Publicity policy

• Data Protection Policy

• Privacy and Cookies Policy



Legislation and Regulation


This policy is based on Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)1 and the Care Act 20142

The Children Act 1989 (and 2004 amendment), which provides a framework for the care and protection of children

The Equality Act 2010 covers everyone in Britain and protects people from discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

Charity Commission As a charity, the Anaphylaxis UK plays an important role in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults across all communities regardless of race, ethnicity and faith.

We are required to have appropriate arrangements in place to safeguard and protect children from harm. All practitioners working with children and their families are subject to the same safeguarding responsibilities, whether paid or as a volunteer and are subject to charity law and regulated by the Charity Commission. Charity trustees are responsible for ensuring that those benefiting from, or working with, their charity, are not harmed in any way through contact with it. The Charity Commission for England and Wales provides guidance on charity compliance with safeguarding which should be followed. See Appendix 1. Further information on the Charity Commission’s role in safeguarding can be found on: the Charity Commission’s page on


Definitions of abuse


Child – Anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. The fact that a child has reached 16 years of age, is living independently or is in further education, is a member of the armed forces, is in hospital or in custody in the secure estate, does not change their status or entitlements to services or protection

Adult – A “vulnerable adult” is any person age 18 or over who is or maybe in need of community care services by reason of mental / physical or learning disability/ age or illness

and unable to take care of them self or unable to protect themselves against significant harm or serious exploitation.

Abuse can be caused by anyone:

• A partner or relative

• A friend or neighbour. Sometimes a person can pretend to be a friend so they can abuse a person, this is called Mate Crime

• A carer, this can be someone who is paid or a volunteer

• Someone in a position of trust

• A stranger


There are different kinds of abuse:


Physical abuse is when someone physically hurts another person. It could include:

• hitting, slapping, kicking, shaking or pushing

• force feeding

• misusing medication

• throwing things at someone


Financial or material abuse is when someone takes something that belongs to someone else without asking or makes that person give them things. It is when someone does not let another person use their money how they want to use it. It can include:


• internet scamming

• fraud

• misuse of property, possessions or benefits

• pressure or control with financial affairs or wills

Neglect is when a person does not get the help they need and their medical, emotional or physical care needs are ignored. It could include:

• being left alone inappropriately or when the person doesn’t want to be

• being left hungry or thirsty

• not getting help with medication

• not seeing a doctor when the person needs to

not being helped with personal care or using the toilet
• failure to provide educational services

Sexual abuse is when someone is made to do sexual things that makes them feel sad, angry, frightened or they do not like or understand.

Sexual Abuse in a child is when they are forced or tricked into sexual activities. They might not understand that what’s happening is abuse or that it’s wrong. And they might be afraid to tell someone. Sexual abuse can happen anywhere – and it can happen in person or online. It can include:

• inappropriate / unwanted touching

• rape

• sexual assault

• sexual acts that a person has not given consent to or was pressured into consenting

• pressure to look at sexual images

• when someone talks about sex to a person when they don’t want them to • being subject to sexual innuendo or harassment.


Child Sexual exploitation – Child sexual exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse. It occurs where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into sexual activity (a) in exchange for something the victim needs or wants, and/or (b) for the financial advantage or increased status of the perpetrator or facilitator. The victim may have been sexually exploited even if the sexual activity appears consensual. Child sexual exploitation does not always involve physical contact; it can also occur through the use of technology


Psychological or emotional abuse is when someone is made to feel sad, afraid or not important. It can happen anywhere including on the internet or phone. It can include:


• calling names, verbal abuse

• being made fun of, humiliated

• blaming a person for things that are not their fault

• ignoring or depriving

• threats or intimidation

• controlling

• cyber bullying


Discriminatory abuse is when someone is treated badly because they are seen as different to others; this is sometimes called Hate Crime and can include:


• racism

• sexism- sexuality or gender identity

• abuse related to the way someone talks, their religion or age

• acts based on a person’s disability

• harassment

Modern Slavery is when someone is forced to work with little or no pay or threatened with violence if they do not work. It can include:

• human trafficking

• forced labour

• domestic servitude


Domestic violence and abuse are any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. It usually happens in a person’s own home and it could include:


• psychological

• physical

• sexual

• financial abuse

• what is known as ‘honour’ based violence


Self-neglect is when someone might come to harm if they do not look after themselves. It covers a wide range of behaviours where a person fails to care for their own personal hygiene, physical or emotional health or surroundings and it could include:


• not getting enough food, water or heat

• not taking medication or getting medical care that is needed

• not accepting help or support that is necessary to stay safe

• not looking after personal hygiene

• unsafe, hazardous living condition

• hoarding


Workplace Abuse – Workplace abuse is any action that harms the emotional or physical well-being of a worker. Workplace abuse can include physical violence or harassment that is physical in nature, such as inappropriate touching. Abuse often has a much broader definition, however, including threats, bullying, or verbal harassment. Any behaviour that causes a worker to feel attacked or unsafe can be considered workplace abuse.


Extremism – Extremism is defined in the Counter Extremism Strategy 2015 as “the vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values, including the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also regard calls for the death of members of our armed forces as extremist.” Extremism goes beyond terrorism and includes people who target the vulnerable – including the young – by seeking to sow division between communities on the basis of race, faith or denomination; justify discrimination towards women and girls; persuade others that minorities are inferior; or argue against the primacy of democracy and the rule of law in our society.


Recognising abuse and taking action.


1. What to do if a child or adult discloses harm to you



• Stay calm and reassure the child that they have done the right thing in talking to you

• Be honest with the child so do not make promises you can’t keep

• Do not promise confidentiality – you have a duty to refer the child who is at risk

• Acknowledge how hard it must have been for the child to tell you what happened



Listen to the child or adult
If you are shocked by what they are saying, try not to show it
Take what they say seriously
Accept what they say
DO NOT ask for (other) information


React to the child only as far as is necessary for you to establish whether or not you need to refer this matter, but do not interrogate them for details
Do not ask leading questions
Explain what you must do next and to whom you must talk
•Explain and if possible seek agreement that you will have to discuss the situation with someone else and will do so on a ‘need to know’ basis.


Make some brief notes at the time and write them up more fully as soon as possible– use the Record of Concerns Template attached
Take care to record timing, setting and personnel as well as what was said
Be objective in your recording – include statements and observable things rather than your interpretations or assumptions
Act Now


Discuss the matter with the appropriate safeguarding Representatives (or Chief Executive if the Representative is the subject of a complaint/allegation).


Roles and Responsibilities


The Board of Trustees is accountable for ensuring that the Anaphylaxis UK adheres to good safeguarding governance. See Appendix 1


The CEO is accountable to the board for ensuring that robust systems are in place to identify and manage the risks associated with safeguarding staff and adults and children who are met with in the course of the activities of the Anaphylaxis UK. This includes the identification and training of staff to fulfil their roles in the course of their work within the Anaphylaxis UK.


The safeguarding Representative for Anaphylaxis UK are the Business Manager. For volunteers it is the Outreach Coordinator. These person(s) will take on the responsibility for:


Ensuring the policy is being put into practice
Being the first point of contact for safeguarding issues
Keeping a record of any concern expressed about safeguarding issues
Where necessary, taking further steps, such as referring concerns to other agencies
Bringing any safeguarding concerns to the notice of the Chief Executive and the Board.
Notifying the relevant authorities if appropriate to do so, including the Charity Commission.
Ensuring that paid staff and volunteers whose role specifically involves work with children and young people are given appropriate training, support and supervision on safeguarding. • Ensuring that everyone involved with the organisations is aware of the identity of the safeguarding representatives.


All Staff


All members of staff have a responsibility to report any disclosure, allegation or suspicion of abuse, to the Anaphylaxis UK Designated Safeguarding Lead who is the Business Manager or, for volunteers the Outreach Coordinator.

In their absence the CEO. This must be done immediately following the disclosure or suspicion is made or arises.

All staff working for the Anaphylaxis UK must be given a copy of the Safeguarding Policy immediately upon starting work at the Anaphylaxis UK as part of their induction




All staff members will undertake safeguarding training at induction, including on whistleblowing procedures, to ensure they understand the Anaphylaxis UKs safeguarding systems and their responsibilities, and can identify signs of possible abuse or neglect.




It is the Anaphylaxis UKs policy that all staff and volunteers, temporary personnel whose role may specifically require them to have contact with children and young people will be subject to a careful and rigorous selection and vetting process with the elements listed below. We hope these will be understood by good applicants and will put off ill-intentioned people.


Completion of an application form and checking the person’s identity by their birth certificate or passport.
Taking up two references, one of whom has experience of their work or contact with children
An interview by at least two people, including questions on previous experience in the UK and overseas, if relevant
Identifying reasons for gaps in employment or inconsistencies
Carrying out checks with the Disclosure & Barring Service where the role and contact with children means that an individual is eligible for a DBS check with or without barred list check.
Not authorising any unsupervised access to children and young people until this has been completed.
Advice is sought about recruiting someone with a criminal record
A supervised probationary period for new staff and a comprehensive induction period that includes individual signed agreement with our safeguarding policy and procedures.


Code of Conduct for staff and volunteers


The Campaign staff and volunteers (including Trustees) should organise all their activities to reduce to a minimum those situations within which it may be possible for children and vulnerable adults to be abused. Staff and volunteers are required to abide by this Code of Practice to safeguard children and vulnerable adults.

• DO treat all children and vulnerable adults with the respect they deserve

• DO make sure any suspicions or allegations are recorded and reported to the safeguarding Representative.

• DO NOT get personally involved – leave it to the professionals.


Working with individual Children and young people

• You should plan never to be alone in a building, car or a closed room with a child/ young person.

• In exceptional circumstances where an adult may be alone with a child for a short period, the adults should ensure that other staff or volunteers are aware of the situation and that they support this action and that it takes place in clear view of the rest of the group e.g. designated office or room with a clear glass window. The door must always be left open.


Privacy & Photographs

• Consent must be sought from the children and young people and/or their parent guardian to publish photographs • Details of the Campaign’s policy on the publication of images is included in Appendix A


Resources & Equipment

• Minimise the prospect of injury by checking all equipment and playing surfaces

• Do not employ excessive or inappropriate training methods; use only age appropriate language, media products and activities in working with children and young people. Sexually explicit materials are never appropriate.

• Under no circumstances give medication (unless for emergencies in the case of an allergic reaction), alcohol, tobacco, alcohol or other drugs to children and young people.

• Do not lend or borrow personal money or property to or from children and young people

• Do not give or receive personal gifts.


Incident reporting Procedure – Allegations against Trustees, Staff and Volunteers


The Chief Executive Officer and Trustees of the Campaign are committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty, openness and accountability and recognise that you, the employee or volunteer, have an important role to play in achieving this goal. A suspicion,
allegation or incident of abuse of vulnerable beneficiaries of the Campaign is considered a serious incident by the Charity Commission, which must be reported.


Employees or volunteers will usually be the first to know when someone inside or connected with an organisation is doing something illegal or improper, but often they feel apprehensive about voicing their concerns. This may be because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or the organisation itself. Or it may be because they do not think that their concerns will be taken seriously, because they are afraid that they will be bullied or dismissed. However, the Campaign does not believe that it is in anyone’s interests for employees or volunteers with knowledge of wrongdoing to remain silent.


For employees of the Campaign, the Whistleblowing policy (included in the staff handbook) ensures that if you identify that someone inside or connected with the organisation is doing something illegal or improper, there is a way to bring this to attention without penalty to yourself. Volunteers, who are not legally covered under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 should be assured that the Campaign would always prefer you to report your concerns rather than keep them to yourself. If you make a report in good faith then, even if it is not confirmed by an investigation, your concern will be valued and appreciated.


How do I make a report?


You can make a report orally or in writing. The Anaphylaxis UK would normally expect you to raise your concerns internally to the Business Manager. Please say if you wish to raise the matter in confidence so that appropriate arrangements can be made.


Do I need proof of wrongdoing to make my report?


The Anaphylaxis UK does not expect you to have absolute proof of any misconduct or malpractice that you report. However, you will need to be able to show the reasons for your concern.
Will the Campaign protect my identity if I make a report? The Anaphylaxis UK will do everything possible to keep your identity secret, if you so wish. However, there may be circumstances (for example, if your report becomes the subject of criminal investigation) wherein you may be needed as a witness. Should this be the case we will discuss the matter with you at the earliest opportunity.


How will my report be investigated?


Once you have made a report, the Campaign will acknowledge receipt of it within five working days.
There are, of course, two sides to every story and the Campaign will need to make preliminary enquiries to decide whether a full investigation is necessary. If such an investigation is necessary then, depending on the nature of the misconduct, your concerns will be either:


• investigated internally (by management) or

• referred to the appropriate external person (for example the police) for investigation. Subject to any legal constraints, the Campaign will inform you of the outcome of the preliminary enquiries, full investigation and any further action that has been taken.


What if I am unhappy with the way the Campaign has dealt with my report?


If you are unhappy with the outcome of an investigation the Campaign would prefer that you submit another report explaining why this is the case. Your concern will be investigated again if there is good reason to do so.
However, it may be that you do not think that this is appropriate and wish to raise your concern with an external organisation, such as a regulator. It is of course, open to you to do so provided you have sufficient evidence to support your concern.
While the Campaign cannot guarantee that we will respond to your report in the way that you might wish, we will try to handle the matter fairly and properly. By using this Procedure, you will help us to achieve this.


Outside contact for advice and information


NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)

DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation & Arbitration Service




This policy will be reviewed every three years and updated as new legislation comes into force

If you have any questions about our policies and procedures, please contact the Business Manager.



Care Act 20143

The Children Act 1989 (and 2004 amendment),

The Equality Act 2010

Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)







The Anaphylaxis UK recognises the need to ensure the welfare and safety of all children. This policy should be read in conjunction with our safeguarding policy, procedures and code of behaviour for all trustees, employees and volunteers.

The Campaign may, from time to time, wish to record the charity’s work/projects involving children. Such images may be used for fundraising purposes and for general publicity purposes including in the charity’s printed publications, presentations, on its website and in the media.

The Campaign will take all steps to ensure that any images taken are used solely for the purposes that they are intended. If you become aware that these images are being used inappropriately you should inform the Business Manager or Volunteer Co-ordinator immediately.

The Campaign will not permit photographs, video or other images of children and young people to be taken without the consent of their parents/carers and the child.

We will abide by the following principles of good practice. We will:

• avoid using children’s names (first name and surname) in photograph captions. If the child is named, we will avoid using his or her photograph. If the photograph is used, we will avoid naming the child;

• use a parental permission form to obtain consent for a child to be photographed or videoed and obtain the consent of the child where appropriate4;

• limit any personal information about a child where an image is used on our website as this could be used by an individual to learn more about a child prior to grooming them for abuse;

• we will make clear the charity’s expectations in relation to safeguarding where an external/professional photographer or the press are invited to an event and children are present;

• not allow photographers unsupervised access to children