Charity launches new workplace course to protect employees with allergies

Charity launches new workplace course to protect employees with allergies

  • 04 September 2023
  • Press Releases

Anaphylaxis UK, a UK charity that provides training and support on serious allergies, has launched a new online e-learning course for workplaces.

The charity, which already provides allergy courses for schools and early years settings, developed their new course to help employers and employees understand allergies and what measures to take to support colleagues.

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers have a duty of care to provide a safe working environment for employees.

The new Anaphylaxis UK AllergyWise® for Workplaces has been designed to ensure all staff in a workplace or business can recognised the signs of a serious allergic reaction and have the confidence to safely manage a reaction.

The course, which takes around one to one and a half hours to complete, covers commons causes of allergic reaction, symptoms of anaphylaxis, how to use adrenaline auto-injectors, and how to manage allergies in the workplace, including employer and employee responsibilities.

The course includes quizzes, practical scenarios, final assessment and a certificate on completion. The course costs £20 per person for a minimum of five staff.

Simon Williams, Chief Executive of Anaphylaxis UK, says:
“There is a lot of focus on how businesses can keep customers with allergies safe, however, it is also important for employers to understand how to keep their staff safe too. This course has been designed to fill this gap of information and guidance and show employees that they are taking allergy safety seriously.

“It will hopefully provide reassurance to employees who may feel anxious, particularly if starting a new place of work.”

Anaphylaxis UK volunteer Katie Kinnaird, who completed and reviewed the course, says:

“I found the course easy to follow and use. The subjects were broken down into different areas relating to allergies and what to look out for, making it a user-friendly experience and allowing me to work through it at my own pace.”

For more information on the AllergyWise® for Workplaces course, please visit

Notes for Editors

Anaphylaxis UK is the only UK-wide charity operating solely for the growing numbers of people at risk of serious allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. While there’s no treatment or cure for anaphylaxis, we believe that by providing information, training and support, there is a brighter future for people living with serious allergies.

Anaphylaxis is a severe and often sudden allergic reaction. It can occur when someone with allergies is exposed to something they are allergic to. Reactions usually take place within minutes and rapidly progress but can occur up to 2-3 hours later. It is potentially life-threatening and always requires an immediate emergency response.