
FDF releases new guidance to clarify ‘allergen-free’ and vegan claims for food industry and consumers 27th February 2023

The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has released updated UK guidance on allergen-free and vegan claim

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BetterRetailing reveals independent retailers among most compliant businesses following Natasha’s Law 27th February 2023

The article highlights the importance of retailers complying with the legislation to avoid potential fines and to ensure the safety of their customers. It also emphasizes the challenges faced by some independent retailers in complying with the law, including rising staff costs and operational expenses

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Threshold levels in foods for the priority allergens 9th January 2023

Knowledge of thresholds constitutes a critical requirement to assessing the risk from allergens, as they are a characteristic of the hazard that allergens present to the food-allergic population. An expert committee of The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) concurred that

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Allergens dominate UK food recalls, finds study 6th January 2023

More than half of food recalls in the United Kingdom over a 5-year period were due to allergens, according to a recently released study. Allergen-related recalls increased annually until 2019, peaking at 118 before decreasing to 82 and 84 in

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Are alternative proteins increasing food allergies? 5th January 2023

Trends, drivers and future perspectives Food allergy can represent a serious human health issue. The observed rise in regional incidence and global prevalence of food allergies raise, among other, also questions about the risks related to the consumption of new,

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Anaphylaxis UK ambassador Julianne Ponan receives MBE 3rd January 2023

Anaphylaxis UK would like to congratulate Julianne Ponan, entrepreneur and allergy advocate, on receiving an MBE for her service to business, exports, and people with allergies.

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Taking part in Veganuary? Advice for those with food allergies  21st December 2022

If you are taking part in Veganuary this month and have a food allergy, it’s important to understand the difference between a food labelled vegan or plant-based and an ‘allergen-free’ claim.

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North Yorkshire restaurant fined £2.5k after peanut protein was found in “peanut-free” curry 13th December 2022

A restaurant owner in North Yorkshire has been fined for selling a curry that could have caused anaphylaxis if eaten by someone with a peanut allergy.

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Restaurant Labelling Parliamentary Question 29 November 2022 30th November 2022

In a written Parliamentary Question, Gareth Thomas Harrow West MP and Shadow Minister (International Trade) asked Mark Spencer, The Minister of State at the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if there will be an assessment of the potential

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