Allergy action plans for children now available from the BSACI

Allergy action plans for children now available from the BSACI

  • 20 July 2015
  • News

The Paediatric Allergy Group (PAG) have announced the launch of Allergy Action Plans for children at risk of anaphylaxis.

These plans have been designed to facilitate first aid treatment of anaphylaxis, to be delivered by people without any special medical training nor equipment apart from access to an adrenaline autoinjector (AAI). They have been developed following an extensive consultation period with health professionals, support organisations, parents of food-allergic children and teachers.

They have also produced a one-page Medical authorisation to carry AAI on-board airplanes, to facilitate this form of travel. They suggest this can be printed on the REVERSE of the Allergy Action Plan if needed.

Find out more and access the plans on the BSACI's website.