Police Sport UK Basketball teams bounce in to action for the Anaphylaxis Campaign

Police Sport UK Basketball teams bounce in to action for the Anaphylaxis Campaign

  • 20 July 2015
  • News

The annual Police Sport UK (PSUK) Basketball Championships was held this weekend, (16th – 18th May) in Loughborough. This year the event partnered with the Anaphylaxis Campaign in memory of Ethan Thomas, the son of two officers from the Leicestershire Police who died following a severe reaction on Father’s Day 2012.

The event saw police basketball teams from across the country competing for the title of champion. The competition was fierce, but the Metropolitan Police women’s and men’s teams both emerged victorious.

The gala dinner held on Saturday night was brilliantly attended and the room was decked out in orange as a sign of support for the Anaphylaxis Campaign. Ethan’s mum, Judith, gave a moving speech on the family’s loss and thanked everyone for their help in supporting the Anaphylaxis Campaign through the event.

The organisers held two raffles over the weekend boasting some truly amazing prices, including a hamper provided by Anaphylaxis Campaign patron and Michelin-starred chef Giorgio Locatelli. There was also a tuck shop selling snacks and PSUK watches to be purchased, all in aid of the Anaphylaxis Campaign.

The charity game held between the women’s and men’s finals was a highlight and saw players from the Leicester Riders compete alongside influential police officials and Ethan’s twin brother, Tré.

All fundraising efforts were a huge success and final fundraising figures will be released later in the week.

Everyone at the Anaphylaxis Campaign would like to thank the Thomas family, the organisers at PSUK, the teams and everyone who made this weekend such a brilliant success for their support and generosity.